Social-Emotional Learning: Why It Matters

Academics are not the only key to success in life. Children need soft skills in order to thrive. One of these vital skills are social-emotional skills. What are they and why do they matter? Learn more about an LA private school and how they handle social-emotional learning.

What Is Social-Emotional Learning?

LA Private School: Social-Emotional Learning And Its Benefits

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing social and emotional skills. These skills allow children (and adults) to regulate and manage their emotions, cope with daily life challenges, and build positive relationships. SEL involves five key skills:

  • Self-Awareness – identifying emotions; recognizing strengths and limitations; having a growth mindset; a well-grounded sense of optimism; and recognition that thoughts, feelings, and actions are interconnected. 
  • Self-Management – managing emotions, controlling impulses, and setting and persevering to achieve goals.
  • Social Awareness – ability to see things from others’ perspective, ability to empathize, and understanding social norms.
  • Relationship Skills – communicating clearly, cooperating, conflict resolution, resisting inappropriate social pressure, and seeking help when necessary.
  • Responsible Decision-Making – considering ethical standards, safety concerns, and one’s and others’ wellbeing when evaluating the consequences of one’s personal behavior.

People are not born with social-emotional skills—these are learned and honed. Choose an LA private school that explicitly teaches these skills because they are a well-rounded child, and eventually adult, who thrives in school and in life.

Benefits Of SEL For Kids

Studies have shown that people with better social-emotional skills handle daily life challenges better, make informed decisions, and are capable of building positive relationships. However, you do not need to wait until adulthood to reap the fruits of SEL. Children experience these benefits when their LA private school incorporates SEL:

  • Less emotional distress
  • Positive attitude toward the self and others
  • Fewer instances of behavioral problems
  • Improved school attendance and test scores

What SEL Looks Like At Valley School

Valley School is one of the LA private schools that recognizes the importance of social-emotional learning in the holistic development of children. Our curriculum combines structured and structured play and activities that allow children to explore and learn independently as well as socialize and build relationships with children their age. 

Our preschoolers’ days start with unstructured play where they can independently interact and play with their classmates. Here, they develop their social-emotional skills along with their communication skills and gross motor skills while using their creativity and imagination. Their days are filled with various activities that allow them to socialize with both kids and adults, practice active listening, learn academics and other activities that stimulate their creativity, learn about responsibility, as well as tend to their nutritional and relaxation needs.

Learn more at Valley School.

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