How to Teach a Preschooler About Respect

Respect is one of the biggest things a parent can teach their child. This should be a lesson taught young so that when your preschooler enters school for the first time, they know how to be respectful toward others and more intentional with their words and actions. Here are our tips on teaching a preschooler about respect before enrolling them in the best private elementary schools in Los Angeles. 

First, What Is Respect?

Obedience and respect are different things. Obedience is a part of respect but is not the only factor and is definitely not the same as respect. When you are respectful, you care enough to think about how your words and actions ultimately affect others. When a child is respectful, they are mindful. 

Be a Good Role Model

Private Elementary Schools In Los Angeles Teaches Preschoolers

Start teaching respect by being a good role model to your preschooler. Children are observant and learn from those around them. Remember that your child will copy the behavior of those closest to them. As preschoolers, they are still learning how to navigate the world, and their behavior and attitudes are being shaped. 

Use polite language with others around them, treat others with kindness and empathy, take responsibility for mistakes, and apologize when necessary. All this will go a long way and will teach your child respect. In turn, your preschooler will then show that same respect to their teacher and classmates.

Teach Your Preschooler Empathy

Someone with empathy can sense the emotions and feelings of others and imagine what that person may be thinking. Encourage your preschooler to imagine other people’s experiences, and this will show them how their actions can also impact others. 

Teach Your Preschooler Boundaries

Respect also comes into play when setting boundaries at home or in school. Teach your preschooler to acknowledge when someone tells them no and respect boundaries when a reasonable request to do so is made. 

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement in the classroom and at home is a good way to instill good values and teach respect to your preschooler. Celebrate good behavior and achievements and take notice when they go out of their way to show respect, empathy, and kindness.

Teach Problem-Solving Skills

Finally, teaching problem-solving skills is a good way to teach your preschooler how to handle conflict while remaining respectful in a situation. Again, the behavior you model is on full display. Teach them to compromise and problem-solve; they can use these skills in the classroom and throughout their educational journey. 

Private elementary schools in Los Angeles work hard to teach your student as much as possible so they can be set up for success in school and beyond. However, teaching doesn’t begin and end in the classroom. What they learn at home spills into their school environment

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