Four Ways To Overcome Drop-Off Anxiety And Get Excited About PreSchool

Preschool is a very exciting time for our kids. There’s only one problem with attending the best preschools in Los Angeles. It can be the first time our children are away from us. This can cause separation anxiety in both our children and ourselves. Separation anxiety can make preschool dropoff emotionally challenging. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help your kids release their anxiety and be excited about school. Here are our top recommendations:

Visit The School Before Classes Begin

The best way to get kids excited about preschool is to take them to school ahead of time. The best preschools in Los Angeles offer open house days before school begins. That way the kids can meet their teachers, see their classroom, and acclimate to the change slowly.

Practice A New Morning Routine

Anxiety in children is often overcome with regular routines. When children start the school year, it completely changes their routines. This can make them feel confused and lack confidence in what to do. Before preschool starts, start practicing the new school routine. Wake them up, have breakfast, and get ready at the same time you would for school. That way they’ll be ready for the first day of school.

Hold Your Tears Back

Dropping our children off can be really bittersweet. Keep in mind our children mirror our behavior. So if they recognize that you are sad or stressed about preschool dropoff, they will be too. Keep the mood and the energy high until you drop off your child. That way your child stays excited about heading to school.

Choose A Preschool Your Child Will Be Excited To Attend

Four Ways To Overcome Drop-Off Anxiety And Get Excited About PreSchool

First-day drop-off can be stressful, but if you pick a great preschool, your child will always be excited to go to class. The best preschools in Los Angeles feature arts and crafts, sports, and plenty of educational play. These learning, socialization, and enrichment activities will keep your child engaged and always ready to head to school.

At Valley School, we understand that first-day jitters can make drop-off a tough time for our little ones. We work closely with our parents and students to empower them to make drop-off a breeze. If you’re concerned about separation anxiety on the first day, give us a call at 1-(818)-786-4720. We’ll help you find a dropoff strategy that works for your family.

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